Project set-up
The establishment of a Competence Network for health care professionals and the development of a national strategy against staff shortage in the health care sector by the Universities of Applied Sciences, will serve to counter health problems in health care professions.
The topic will be addressed through cooperation between the Universities of Applied Sciences in Health, within the scope of the Strategic Planning 2017 - 2020 projects of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SBFI and the Swiss Higher Education Conference SHK.
The cooperating universities will jointly form a competence network, the Competence Network Health Workforce (CNHW), in order to develop the strategy together for networking within project partners, along with the establishment of the Competence Network.

The CNHW will actively cooperate with other key organizations and networks in the field of occupational health, both nationally and internationally. The universities involved in the project are:
Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH)
Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST)
HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
The operational management of the CNHW is carried out by the project coordination office (Executive Office). The general project manager is Prof. Dr. Sabine Hahn. She is supported by the project coordinator, Christoph Golz (MScN).
TEach participating institution is involved in the Steering Committee. The task of the committee is to ensure achievement of the project objectives.
International researchers, through an expert committee, support the work of the CNHW, the scientific work and the development of the Competence Network.
The Support Group is a resonance body, providing input on the project strategy and content. It is chaired by the Health Conference (FKG/CSS). In the support group, representatives from national institutions and organizations will share and discuss ideas with the general project manager, the project coordination and the members of the steering committee.
Further information
Further information can be accessed in the project’s proposal.